01 published on 2 Comments on 01

I’m so excited to have the redone prologue pages finally up. So unbelievably excited! For any new readers the art and writing quality will drop off dramatically once you make it through the redone sections. If you are ever curious to see what you missed, the old pages can be found over here. The new… Continue reading 01


04 published on No Comments on 04

While the text has been changed I was actually really happy with the art from the original page 4. Not enough to keep the art, obviously, but enough to basically redraw the page with some minor changes. The biggest two changes to the art were showing the first scene with Zel and Adrik be post… Continue reading 04


05 published on No Comments on 05

There is no equivalent original page to this one. This page is brand new content. If you’ve been keeping up with the regular updates, you are already aware of the event being shown in the first panel, everything else is completely new. This page was added mostly to give some insight into Fae’s character. It… Continue reading 05


00 published on No Comments on 00

Edit: Eventually the reworked version of this chapter will go up but until then everything is how it was when it first went online in the summer of 2011. The first chapter is a bit confusing (hence the rework), please let me know if you have any questions. The quality of the art and story… Continue reading 00