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If you’ve been following either the G+ or Facebook page for Eternity Complex, you may already be aware of this but I switched to using Manga Studio 5 this chapter for line art and a few other comic making processes. I’m really enjoying what Manga Studio has to offer and I absolutely love that I can get the sketchy lines I’ve always wanted for drawing that I could never achieve in Photoshop. A bonus to that is that I can easily fill sketchy line art in Manga Studio where as I could only dream of doing that in Photoshop. Manga Studio has quickly become my favorite drawing program. I still prefer Photoshop for shading and effects though. There just some settings that Photoshop has that Manga Studio lacks.


38 published on 2 Comments on 38

Things I hate drawing: water, rock formations, large inorganic structures of any kind. This page contains all three. With practice I know I can get better but sometimes I kick myself for being too ambitions with backgrounds.

This is the last page of the chapter and so Thursday will bring you the cover for chapter 13.

Today I start taking classes at a university. I’m also severely jet lagged. Any luck you can send my way would greatly be appreciated because today will be rough. 🙂


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This time next week I’ll be taking classes on a university campus. Suffice to say I’m nervous.

Also, I completely messed up drawing Bjorn’s hand in the bottom panel. His thumb was originally on the wrong side of his hand. The whole time I was working on the page I thought something looked wrong but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. About two seconds after uploading the finished page to the server I realized what it was that was throwing the whole thing off. Luckily fixing Bjorn’s hand was an easy fix.


35 published on No Comments on 35

Fae repeatedly hallucinated Noliidae instead of Hope because Hope’s precognitive abilities coupled with Fae’s retrocognitive abilities do some interesting things when combined. Fae was subconsciously shielding herself from what would happen if she saw Hope and substituted hallucinations of Noliidae in Hope’s place. These past two pages are teasers of what happens when Fae sees Hope out of the context of a past event.


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Zel’s death was a lot more painful than Hope’s. Irving has killed every single Hope incarnation that has appeared prior to Fae. The only reason number 2 and 3 aren’t shown in the flashbacks is that their stories are a lot less relevant to Fae’s story. Unbeknownst to her, Fae is on a path that the first Hope should have taken and that Zel took great care in setting up. Fae actually knew what her path should be prior to her memory wipe, so why was Fae’s memory wiped?

One of the reasons that I tend to skip out on adding sound effects to pages is that for me sound effects make things appear even more cringe worthy. I’d have a lot harder time looking at this page if there was a crack sound effect right at Zel’s back. It hurt enough to draw the pose and I didn’t really want to add on to that hurt.

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