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This time next week I’ll be taking classes on a university campus. Suffice to say I’m nervous.

Also, I completely messed up drawing Bjorn’s hand in the bottom panel. His thumb was originally on the wrong side of his hand. The whole time I was working on the page I thought something looked wrong but couldn’t quite put my finger on it. About two seconds after uploading the finished page to the server I realized what it was that was throwing the whole thing off. Luckily fixing Bjorn’s hand was an easy fix.


Good luck with the classes!

Also, “you were only out for a few pages.” Seemed funnier in my head before I typed it.

Thanks. I’m kind of dreading the mix of starting classes and suffering from super bad jet lag at the same time. Tomorrow is going to be the funnest of days.

It’s still a funny line and that’s not the jet lag talking. I laughed a little when the email with your comment came in. Yep, I get the all comments left of this site emailed to me. It helps me remember to come back and reply to comments left on the site. Otherwise I’d probably forget to even check for comments, especially after vacation time.

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