35 published on No Comments on 35

And that’s the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading! There’s going to be a two week break where I post sketches and things before the start of the next chapter. I was planning to see how many pages I could get done during the between chapter break before making this announcement but updates are… Continue reading 35


00 published on No Comments on 00

I purposely worked on the cover image while sleep deprived. I wanted a certain level of not-right-ness that I wouldn’t be able to pull off while fully awake. Sadly the images still look too good for what I was trying to achieve (next time I want poorly drawn, I’m using my left hand). The cover… Continue reading 00


04 published on No Comments on 04

In addition to better backgrounds, I’m also trying to keep the light source consistent across scenes. I’ve really only paid attention to the light source when it is directly drawn into the scene and I’d like to try and not do that anymore. This semester has been really stressful so far but if today goes… Continue reading 04


06 published on No Comments on 06

Astor knows when something is up. I originally intended to not shade Astor in, because I’ve been trying to find ways to make wraith abilities appear more removed from the surrounding environment and that was an idea I came up with. But I got distracted by anime and forgot my intent. When I finally realized… Continue reading 06