Anyone remember these things?
Will Fae find Eternity before she developes a Complex
Anyone remember these things?
Bjorn was only aware of the one. The topic of how many keys the party has in their possession was never a topic of conversation. More specifically, Enya never wanted it to be a topic of conversation and always guided the conversations away from the topic entirely. If Fae or Marie were paying any attention,… Continue reading 35
When I said Marie doesn’t know anything last update, I meant in terms of what is going on with the party, she has some knowledge about what keys are and what they do. Bjorn doesn’t. I completely forgot to mention last update that Eternity Complex has reached 400 pages! Thanks for reading! XD
Things were starting to look up, too. In two weeks time Eternity Complex will be going on a 2 week hiatus. This hiatus coincides with the conclusion of the current chapter. During the hiatus I’d love to feature guest art relating to Eternity Complex. If you send me something I’ll link back to your site… Continue reading 37
Fae’s not sold on the whole bait thing.
Dodging isn’t exactly what Marie had in mind but it is about all Fae’s skill level will allow her to do. If Bjorn could swim he would be joining in on getting rid of clothing. But alas, he sinks like a rock and has his own plan for avoiding the water. He very much doesn’t… Continue reading 39
It is an end of chapter splash page. Just a reminder Eternity Comlpex will be on a brief two week hiatus. Regular updates resume on February, 2nd. But I’ll be posting some extras during the hiatus for those that feel like checking back every so often.
Despite being a member of the cast since the very beginning, this is Enya’s very first chapter cover. The hiatus is over! Unfortunately, the update schedule has to go down to one page per week for the foreseeable future. The new update schedule will be every Monday. The good news is, there’s enough pages in… Continue reading 00
Meanwhile, on the surface… I decided to make some small changes to the art, starting with this chapter. What do you think? Is it even noticeable? Also, the start of the new chapter brings with it a new piece of art! There’s always something very dignifying about black and white portraits. I received this portrait… Continue reading 01
All I can think of when I look at the second to last panel is “talk to the hand.” Zomg guys! More beautiful art to share! There was a Valentine’s Crossover Exchange over on Comic Fury and this stunning piece is what I received. So many great pieces were present in the exchange but there’s… Continue reading 02