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Meanwhile, on the surface…

I decided to make some small changes to the art, starting with this chapter. What do you think? Is it even noticeable?

marie_for_zartala_by_irongatecomic SmallerAlso, the start of the new chapter brings with it a new piece of art! There’s always something very dignifying about black and white portraits. I received this portrait of Marie over the weekend from the guys over at Iron Gate. Iron Gate doesn’t have many pages online yet but what’s currently up hints at a very interesting story to come.


I think I do notice a difference between the art of the previous chapter and that of this chapter! Something with the clothes, perhaps? And the eyes look different, maybe. Looking good, either way! 😀

Glad you like! 🙂

Clothes are probably the most obvious indicator of one of the big changes made, which is the shading. I’m trying a technique that I think fits the line art better and takes only a fraction of the time to complete. And I also switched up how the shading and lighting interact, which would be the most obvious on the clothing, as well.

I can’t really speak about the eyes. I’m always trying to improve how I draws eyes and it is such a constant process that I don’t keep track of when I start doing things with them differently. I probably did change something with the eyes, but I don’t remember.

There’s one more big change, but I’m going to wait and see if there’s any more guesses before revealing it. Though I’m kind of glad it hasn’t been guessed yet as it is the change I was most concerned about making.

Looks just as good or better, and only takes a fraction of the time? Sounds like a winner to me!

After reviewing some pages of the previous chapter, I want to say that there’s something different about their body structure, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Am I close?

Hmmmmm… it has to do with something on the body. Although, depending on your monitor’s settings it may not be that noticeable right now. Sometimes I forget that everyone’s monitors render colors and contrast a bit differently.

I’ll give you a hint, though. It is a change that will be the most noticeable on Fae out of all the current characters.

Well, I’ll just have to wait until Fae appears, then! This is exciting, trying to figure it out. I have a tendency to get in a hurry and not pay much attention to the details of the art, but it’s nice to stop and smell the roses sometimes. 😀

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