As the 5th Hope, there is a lot riding on Fae’s shoulders that she has no clue about. Typically, Hopes are slowly introduced to Viosia by their predecessor and are fully capable of interacting with the world when it is their time to shine; however, that isn’t Fae’s position. Fae’s memories of Viosia have been wiped away by her predecessor in a vain attempt to protect Fae but from what is unknown. Unfortunately for Fae, she is now stuck in a world that she has no knowledge of and with no clue how to return to her home. Fae’s arrival in Viosia coincides with the death of her Aunt Shelley, the 4th Hope.
Because she is lost in a strange land, Fae has almost entirely and blindly followed Enya’s lead on what must be done despite the fact that Fae does not entirely trust those with whom she travels. However, as Fae grows more comfortable with her situation, she is taking more risks and slowly exposing her impulsive nature.
Toxic fumes ruin everything. I’ve got some good news and a whole lot of bad news as far as website maintenance is concerned. Good news, I’m currently updating the character page with brand new images and what not. As for the bad news… Ever since I learned my lesson and created a test site for… Continue reading 23
They still can’t stand that close to each other when Marie is not in her human form. One more day and I’ll have internet! There’s three more weeks of updates before the end of the chapter. I’m going to do what I did at the end of the last chapter and take a 2 week… Continue reading 29
Marie’s back to looking human, though she’s not exactly happy about that. I’m back with reliable internet for the next many months. I actually ended up with some internet access while gone but I figured it was better safe than sorry to say I wouldn’t have internet.
I really loved the top panel as pencils, but I don’t know about the final version. For some panels I prefer the pencils to the finished product and for other I prefer the reverse.
I really love that top panel, the faces came out really well. I don’t know what went wrong with that last panel. If only I could draw everyone more consistently.
Fae is starting to realize a little bit about how this world functions but whether or not she actually learned the right lessons is yet to be seen.
I don’t think Fae’s so sure about that, Marie.
And that’s the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading! There’s going to be a two week break where I post sketches and things before the start of the next chapter. I was planning to see how many pages I could get done during the between chapter break before making this announcement but updates are… Continue reading 35
I purposely worked on the cover image while sleep deprived. I wanted a certain level of not-right-ness that I wouldn’t be able to pull off while fully awake. Sadly the images still look too good for what I was trying to achieve (next time I want poorly drawn, I’m using my left hand). The cover… Continue reading 00
It’s been a few chapters since Irving last showed his face. Friendly reminder: updates are down to once a week. Once October hits, I won’t be able to reliably work on new pages until mid December. I want to ensure that I can build up a buffer to weather midterms and finals.