Bjorn has no clue that the Monarch ordered the guards not to pursue. If Fae didn’t have extremely dumb luck*, there’d be a huge bounty on Bjorn and Fae’s heads right about now.
While I’ve ended the last several chapters on pages like this one, this in not the last page in the chapter but the start of the final scene in the chapter.
*Fae’s “luck” is entirely and unwittingly self made. Bjorn was able to easily deduce who she is; other’s can do the same if they see Fae use an ability and they are familiar with Demi Lineage abilities (most people aren’t, however). Since Enya and Adrik are not familiar with “current” Demi Lineage abilities (Demi Lineages use to be much stronger), they didn’t think there would be a problem as long as Fae’s magical signature was masked. Enya nor Adrik, also, didn’t take into account individuals, like Bjorn, who are good at reading magical signatures and who would be able to identify Fae by her lack of one if/when she used an ability.
Beware the long News post of Dooooooooom!
A world section is slowly being added to the site (expect the posted pages to change a little bit over the next few weeks). Also, world pages have the potential for minor spoilers, warnings will be at the top of every world page soon. I’ll also have wallpapers and tutorials up within the next week or so (maybe a little longer on a tutorial). I’m adding all the extras to the site as they are requested, so please don’t hesitate to speak up if there’s anything else you would like to see.
After looking through the archives to get a feel for what all to include on upcoming world and race pages for the website, I’ve decided that I really need to re-draw and write the earlier pages. I noticed that some things that I thought were clear on those pages when I first posted them are not clear in hindsight. Especially with some of the art. I’m not going to take away from future updates to accomplish this task but this is definitely something I should do sooner rather than later. I’ll likely post the revised pages by scene and will keep you posted on what to expect. When I first re-started Eternity Complex I promised myself that what goes online stays online as a sanity check against constantly revising old pages at the expense of new updates; however, sometimes promises need to be broken a little to make things right. Hope you enjoy the revised pages when they go up!
You may have noticed the new banner off to the right. Comic Creators for Freedom is starting back up. The donation drive will be held from Dec 2-14. All of the money raised is going to help end human trafficking. Here’s some information about Comic Creators for Freedom taken directly from the site:
“The People:
We’re a group of Comic Book Creators, who have come together, volunteering our artistic talents to raise money for the purpose of ending human trafficking in the world today.
“The Problem:
There are currently 27 million enslaved people worldwide- more than double the number of enslaved Africans during the trans-Atlantic slave trade. UNICEF estimates that 1.2 million children every year are sold into slavery, most of it sexual. The US Department of Justice estimates 16,000 victims of human trafficking are brought into the United States every year.
“The Project:
Webcomic Creators from all over the world are working together on a single drawing which will be available as a downloadable wallpaper for readers who donate to our fund raising drive! December 2nd-14th!”
For more information and how to get involved with the project please visit the Comic Creators for Freedom site.
Edit: Forgot to mention that updates are now back to the regular Mon/Thurs schedule.