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“Please” is Astor’s current go to word; he’ll change to a new word when he gets bored. Astor wouldn’t be Astor if he wasn’t messing with people.

This is the last week for one page a week updates. Yay! In addition to slowly trying to build the buffer back up over this past month, I’ve been trying to update Eternity Complex’s online listings on various websites (inkOutbreak, ComicRocket, TWC, ect…) because I’ve definitely let a lot of things slide. I’d also like to add extra stuff to Eternity Complex’s site but I don’t know what you, the readers, would like to see. Is there something specific you would like to see added to the site? Anything you really like? Dislike? Any topics you would like me to write about with each new page? Anything you would like to see done with social media?

I’m open to what ever suggestions you have for making things better/more interesting/inviting around here. I’d like to give you something back for reading Eternity Complex but I’m not really sure where to start. Plus, I’d like to add things that you want to see.


Some of the wider panels panels at full size would probably make some pretty cool wallpapers. A lot of webcomics also have “tutorial” pages showing how the comic pages are made, which I personally love to read.

No social life, cable, nor money does wonders for finding the patience to draw. 😉

Honestly I think some of the patience comes from sitting down and drawing every single day. Eventually you get to the point where you look at something you’re currently working on and marvel at how you only took 3 hours to finish something that would have taken you 3 days just a few months prior. Also hide all of your clocks. Clocks are not your friend (set an alarm if you have other time commitments). It’s really demotivating to realize that you just spent half a day working on a small detail that no one but you will notice.

The other side of that is, if your goal is to quickly develop art skills, patience is not necessarily your friend. When I took a life drawing class, the professor would usually have us start class by working on a series of timed drawings. We would only be given a very short amount of time (I think about 5-10 minutes per drawing) to completely draw the model in front of us. The whole point of the exercise was to get us to be able to quickly identify forms and translate those onto paper; accuracy was not the main objective with the timed practices but developed organically with time. The amount that everyone in the class improved in a little over 3 months was phenomenal. Of course after the exercises we would work on a longer 20 minute to 1 hr drawing, but I feel like the exercises built the skill foundation necessary to attempt the longer drawings.

I hope that bit of rambling helps in some way.

What’s your visual novel going to be about?

No social life, check. Cable, but I only use it on Tuesday nights. A little money, but I’m always afraid to use it. So I’m mostly there.

Thanks for the ideas! I’ve recently tried getting to drawing something every day (except yesterday, when I rearranged my desk so I wouldn’t have to rearrange everything to make room for the drawing tablet every day).

I might try the 5-10 minute drawings…a few days ago, I spent 45 minutes drawing a jar of tomato sauce (which, in the end, looked more like a ketchup bottle).

The visual novel is about a writer and a painter who discover that there is a great deal of similarity in their writings/paintings, despite the fact that they’ve never seen each other’s works and hadn’t even heard of each other until they met.

…I hope it’ll be more interesting than it sounds.

There’s a really nice simplicity to your drawing. I’m definitely reminded of Warhol’s Soup Can Paintings and not just because of the colors nor because no one can draw a canned product without evoking Warhol’s spirit. There’s a zen-ness to your drawing; it’s relaxing.

Your story idea sounds really interesting. I can see why you would want to draw the story.

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