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Toxic fumes ruin everything. I’ve got some good news and a whole lot of bad news as far as website maintenance is concerned. Good news, I’m currently updating the character page with brand new images and what not. As for the bad news… Ever since I learned my lesson and created a test site for… Continue reading 23


24 published on 2 Comments on 24

Told you things were about to get brighter 😉 The website should be mostly fixed now, including mobile friendliness. There’s still some small details that need to be patched up but for the most part everything is looking nice. Please let me know if you run into any problems with the site, especially if you… Continue reading 24


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More brightness! I’m a huge scatter brain and forgot that Spelledeg of INTS: Blackgate sent me this right before my 3 week camping trip to the desert. For a little background, both of us submitted characters to a cross over project and Ryae, Spell’s character, will die if exposed to water. I may or may… Continue reading 25


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Headache time. Check out this adorable image of Fae and Kimi of Elements by Alston123. This is just one of many wonderful images that were part of the Summer Picnic Exchange over at Comic Fury. The picture is soooo cute and Fae could definitely use a nice relaxing picnic with a kind person right about… Continue reading 26


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And in a flash of light, Emma was gone. When read together this chapter and the previous chapter’s titles read Deus Ex Machina because of how the situation resolves itself. According to the TV Tropes definition, a Deus ex Machina is a solution which fixes an unsolvable/hopeless situation, which fits. The other part of the… Continue reading 27


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You know those keys that amplify magic and the group has been seemingly haphazardly collecting. They’ve got a secret that only Enya (and the other demis) knows about. She pretty much refuses to hold on to them for any length of time because of what they really are. Today’s page offers the first glimpse into… Continue reading 28


29 published on No Comments on 29

They still can’t stand that close to each other when Marie is not in her human form. One more day and I’ll have internet! There’s three more weeks of updates before the end of the chapter. I’m going to do what I did at the end of the last chapter and take a 2 week… Continue reading 29