Emma doesn’t have to see the water to be able to affect it. After Thursday I’m free for a week! I’m counting down the days till I get some breathing room.
Will Fae find Eternity before she developes a Complex
Emma doesn’t have to see the water to be able to affect it. After Thursday I’m free for a week! I’m counting down the days till I get some breathing room.
Hope Fae is okay. That top panel is another one I redrew after scanning the page in. I really like how the angle came out. — There’s less than a week before I head out to the middle of nowhere to learn how to look at rocks all scientific-like and stuff. While I’m gone I’m… Continue reading 14
If Emma didn’t like playing with her “toys” so much, everyone, especially Fae, would probably be dead by now. ZOMG guys! Check out this amazing picture of Astor from the ever so talented Spelledeg of INTS: Black Gate. Astor looks quite dapper in his new suit. Words can not express how much I love this… Continue reading 15
That doesn’t look ominous or anything. One thing that’s been bugging me, and it’s probably only been bugging me because I’m studying geology, is the nature of rocks and melting and all that jazz. The rocks that Bjorn lava-fied are not the same rocks that formed the cave but the ones that the cave sits… Continue reading 16
Can’t really get anymore ominous than that. Obligatory reminder: I’m out in the middle of no where and likely won’t have internet access. If I do get internet access, it will be unreliable and through my phone. Basically, there will be considerable delays in responding to comments. I won’t be back in civilization until early-mid… Continue reading 17
Fae’s probably the only one that thought that the lava would do the trick, everyone else just thought it would buy them enough time to escape. Everybody was wrong. Unless something happened, I’m no longer in no where but I’m still traveling and probably won’t have reliable computer access until Thursday. I’d like to start… Continue reading 18
Team work! I’m now officially back from traveling for the next month. I have one more planned absence for the summer but then it will be smooth sailing until school starts. Also, I completely forgot to add Marie’s spots to all the pages that went up while I was out of town. The spots are… Continue reading 19
If you were wondering where the metal went, it was up his sleeve the entire time. I’m steadily attempting to rebuild the buffer after completely depleting it over the course of my trip. I’ll hopefully have some good new with the next update. 🙂
Good news everyone! Updates are back up to twice a week! XD I can only guarantee the new schedule through the end of the chapter but it should help to get things moving again. Still no buffer, but the rest of the pages for the chapter are close to finished. If you were wondering what… Continue reading 21
The blame game is the game that everyone loses. Things will be a bit brighter in the coming updates.