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If Emma didn’t like playing with her “toys” so much, everyone, especially Fae, would probably be dead by now.

astor_fanartZOMG guys! Check out this amazing picture of Astor from the ever so talented Spelledeg of INTS: Black Gate. Astor looks quite dapper in his new suit. Words can not express how much I love this picture! XD If you aren’t already reading INTS: Black Gate, you really should be. It’s a sci-fi story with a rich world and complex characters. Please give it a read. Also click on the image of Astor to see the full sized version.

Also, just a reminder, I’m out in the middle of no where and likely won’t have internet access. If I do get internet access, it will be unreliable and through my phone. Basically, there will be considerable delays in responding to comments. I won’t be back in civilization until early-mid June.

Edit: Was so busy getting ready to go to nowhere that I forgot to add Marie’s spots to the page. She now has her spots.

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