Arrogant, condescending, rude. To say that Adrik is not a great person to be around would be an understatement. Instead of fully internalizing his feelings, Adrik tends to lash out at others because he has yet to realize the extent of which other’s emotions affect his emotional state. He has yet to find the off switch to his empathic and telepathic abilities and as a result is constantly assaulted by the thoughts and feelings of others. As there is rarely any room in his head for his own thoughts, he tends to operate on his base instincts more than is healthy. Many of his problems are due to his relatively young age but are magnified by the fact that he chooses to spend most of his time around those he can’t “hear” anything from, such as Enya, as it gives him a chance to be alone in his head as opposed to learning how to cope with his own abilities.

If Adrik were able to look past his own pride and admit to himself and others that he needs help, he might just be surprised by how much easier that would make things. However, he has not quite reached that point, yet.


28 published on No Comments on 28

You know those keys that amplify magic and the group has been seemingly haphazardly collecting. They’ve got a secret that only Enya (and the other demis) knows about. She pretty much refuses to hold on to them for any length of time because of what they really are. Today’s page offers the first glimpse into… Continue reading 28


29 published on No Comments on 29

They still can’t stand that close to each other when Marie is not in her human form. One more day and I’ll have internet! There’s three more weeks of updates before the end of the chapter. I’m going to do what I did at the end of the last chapter and take a 2 week… Continue reading 29


35 published on No Comments on 35

And that’s the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading! There’s going to be a two week break where I post sketches and things before the start of the next chapter. I was planning to see how many pages I could get done during the between chapter break before making this announcement but updates are… Continue reading 35


00 published on No Comments on 00

I purposely worked on the cover image while sleep deprived. I wanted a certain level of not-right-ness that I wouldn’t be able to pull off while fully awake. Sadly the images still look too good for what I was trying to achieve (next time I want poorly drawn, I’m using my left hand). The cover… Continue reading 00