I really love that top panel, the faces came out really well. I don’t know what went wrong with that last panel. If only I could draw everyone more consistently.
Posts authored by zartala
I really loved the top panel as pencils, but I don’t know about the final version. For some panels I prefer the pencils to the finished product and for other I prefer the reverse.
Marie’s back to looking human, though she’s not exactly happy about that.
I’m back with reliable internet for the next many months. I actually ended up with some internet access while gone but I figured it was better safe than sorry to say I wouldn’t have internet.
They still can’t stand that close to each other when Marie is not in her human form.
One more day and I’ll have internet!
There’s three more weeks of updates before the end of the chapter. I’m going to do what I did at the end of the last chapter and take a 2 week hiatus between chapters to focus on building up a buffer before I get buried under school work, work work, and officer commitments (I’m helping run a club). The hiatus will cover the week before and the first week of my classes – so there should be plenty of time to build up a buffer. The amount of pages I finish before the end of the buffer, will determine whether I update once or twice a week in the fall. During the hiatus I’ll be posting some sketches from upcoming pages. Or, if you want to contribute any art of your own (writing, drawing, stuff), I’ll happily post it instead of sketches. Hope you enjoy the end of the chapter! 🙂
You know those keys that amplify magic and the group has been seemingly haphazardly collecting. They’ve got a secret that only Enya (and the other demis) knows about. She pretty much refuses to hold on to them for any length of time because of what they really are. Today’s page offers the first glimpse into what these orbs are and why Enya wouldn’t want to hold onto one.
Still no internet for me. I’ll be back online by the end of the week.
And in a flash of light, Emma was gone.
When read together this chapter and the previous chapter’s titles read Deus Ex Machina because of how the situation resolves itself. According to the TV Tropes definition, a Deus ex Machina is a solution which fixes an unsolvable/hopeless situation, which fits. The other part of the definition is that a Deus ex Machina is sudden/unexpected and you’ll have to be the judge of if that part of the definition fits.
The biggest part of why I called the two chapters Deus ex Machina, though, is that back in Ancient Greek theatre Gods and Goddesses would come in a set things right at the eleventh hour and that’s essentially what happens here. While Enya won because she didn’t fight fair, she still has some god-like powers and is the only person currently capable of ending Emma’s fun (Emma had god-like powers, too). I hope it’s pretty obvious by her expression that Enya is not happy about the way things ended. There’s, also, going to be some hefty consequences to what just went down but those will come up later.
I really wish I could turn out pages more quickly. We’re drawing rapidly nearer to something super exciting. I know it’s been a really slow burn up until now and I really appreciate everyone who has made it this far! There’s still 8 pages left in the chapter and two more chapters before “things” happen. You’ve already made it half way through the story as far as the page count is concerned and I hope you’re willing to stick around for what’s to come.
Just a reminder, it’s about a week until I’ll be back online.
Headache time.
Check out this adorable image of Fae and Kimi of Elements by Alston123. This is just one of many wonderful images that were part of the Summer Picnic Exchange over at Comic Fury. The picture is soooo cute and Fae could definitely use a nice relaxing picnic with a kind person right about now. I love this picture so much! Alston123 has two comics: Elements (where Kimi is from) and Himitsu Kessha.
Starting tomorrow I’m taking another extended leave from the internet. I’ll be completely incommunicado during this time but updates should continue as normal.
More brightness!
I’m a huge scatter brain and forgot that Spelledeg of INTS: Blackgate sent me this right before my 3 week camping trip to the desert. For a little background, both of us submitted characters to a cross over project and Ryae, Spell’s character, will die if exposed to water. I may or may not have submitted Marie for that very reason… I’m a bit evil like that ^.^ I’ve said it in earlier posts, but it’s worth repeating – INTS: Blackgate is a great read, so please go check it out.
Also, I’ll be without internet starting next week for close to two weeks. Updates will continue as normal but I won’t be able to comment or fix things until after I get back.
Told you things were about to get brighter 😉
The website should be mostly fixed now, including mobile friendliness. There’s still some small details that need to be patched up but for the most part everything is looking nice. Please let me know if you run into any problems with the site, especially if you are visiting from a phone. I hope the site is a whole lot more mobile friendly! 🙂
Check out this lovely drawing of Fae by Joeyballast of Cato’s Apprenticeship! I absolutely adore Joey’s style and when he opened up a fanart thread, I jumped at the chance to see any of my characters in his style. He did an amazing job of capturing Fae! Fae’d be very happy with this drawing too, as she always wished she had brown hair, just like her mom. I shamefully haven’t fully read through Cato’s Apprenticeship yet, but it’s on my I need to read this list. Every page I’ve seen, I’ve liked and strongly encourage you to give it a read.
I’ve been so busy trying to get the website up to date that I completely forgot that it is July. Eternity Complex has been updating for four years now. So it’s basically birthday month. Yay! Nothing special going on for the birthday month, but 4 years is a nice milestone to reach. 🙂
In other news, I’ll be incommunicado for 2 weeks starting next week. Updates will be resuming as normal but my internet access will be sketchy at best.
Toxic fumes ruin everything.
I’ve got some good news and a whole lot of bad news as far as website maintenance is concerned. Good news, I’m currently updating the character page with brand new images and what not.
As for the bad news… Ever since I learned my lesson and created a test site for all layout/code changes, I try out all updates and code changes to the test site before trying them out on this site. The latest update to the base layout template that I build my layout on top of completely destroyed my test site but thankfully won’t be destroying this site anytime soon. I don’t know how a template upgrade could wipe widget text boxes and other content, but it did. Thankfully the test site’s webcomic pages and comments were left in tact which leaves me hopeful that when I upgrade this site those things will stay intact even if everything else doesn’t.
I’m having to redo the layout from scratch on the test site so that when I break this site’s layout in the upgrade I can just copy and paste what I need to into the current site. The worse news is I can’t get this site to be more mobile friendly until the test site is back in action (but the template update will automatically make things mobile friendly) since I experiment on the test site before making permanent changes over here. I remain hopeful that the changes I wish to make can be done quickly. There are a few options missing from the newest version of the layout template, though. When the template upgrade happens, things won’t quite look the same.