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25 published on No Comments on 25

It was brought to my attention that the site’s comment system isn’t actually working… I definitely screwed up somewhere when doing something on the site. I don’t know where and am hoping I can fix it without access to my computer. I found one setting so far that was not what it should have been and changed it back but I’m not sure how/when the setting was changed or if there’s more settings I’ll need to correct (if one setting was accidentally changed, I’m not sure what else could have been changed) or CSS I need to edit.

Anyway so far I’ve received one vote for a hiatus and one vote for showing wip. This is the last page of ch 9. I won’t make a final decision until Ch 10’s cover page is posted Monday. Since the last update I was able to get 2 more pages added to the buffer. If I can get just 2-4 more pages added to the buffer before Sunday I’ll be in a good position to start ch 10. If I don’t, I’ll post ch 10’s cover along with what is going to happen to Eternity Complex for the rest of July. If you haven’t voted yet and have an opinion, please let me know – if the comments are still broken feel free to email me at comic[at]

Thanks for your understanding!


24 published on No Comments on 24

In hindsight, “great chamber” should probably be capitalized (I’ll edit that once I can get to a computer). Dwarves put a lot of trust in their monarch and the Great Chamber is the Dwarven term for the royal palace/hallway/seat of power. Since most dwarves are able to manipulate rocks and metals to varying degrees (through temperature/pressure control) they don’t think of a hallway as a hallway but an extension of the room(s) attached to it.

I have not heard back about my computer’s condition. Usually when I send my computer in for repairs, the repair company ships it back in under 24 hours but not this time. I was expecting to get my computer back by this Monday/Tuesday based on my past experience with sending my computer in for repairs but that won’t happen. Right now there are 3 completed pages left in the buffer. Since I’ve been borrowing a friend’s computer when they are at work to get work done for both my job (one of my jobs is a work from home job and my job work takes precedence over getting comic pages done because money) and the comic, I haven’t been able to get as much done digitally on the future pages. Some what fortunately Eternity Complex’s buffer ends on the 1st page of Chapter 10 – I feel better about making changes at the beginning of a chapter than in the middle. I figure I have three options for how to continue:

  1. Post non completed pages up on update days until I can get the pages completed and then swap everything out (the next month’s worth of pages are almost done they’re just missing character shading and some small finishing details).
  2. Go down to one page a week updates with the beginning of Chapter 10 and then switch back to the normal update schedule when my computer is back.
  3. Brief hiatus after Thursday’s update (last page of chapter 9) while I build up enough of a buffer to deal with my lack of a dedicated computer and then resume updates as normal.

I gain unlimited access to my friend’s computer for a week starting in 2 weeks so none of these options would last for more than the month of July (especially if my job work load is light that week).

What do you think of the options? Is there one you like more than the other? Is there something else you’d like to see me do for Eternity Complex that isn’t listed? Which ever option proves the most popular is the one I’ll likely go with.


22 published on No Comments on 22

I just realized that I made an art mistake on the third panel – forgot the shadowy magic powers around the floating bowl. The mistake will get corrected once I gain access to a computer with photoshop. Best case scenario will be Monday afternoon. I miss my frequently dieing computer already.

Edit: The correction is up.


21 published on No Comments on 21

Dwarven hair styles are not about fashion so much as conveying to other’s who you are and the degree of formality of a given situation. Bjorn is at his most formal.

Enya also gets to show off her new hair and eye color now that she doesn’t have to hide her lack of facial hair from the Dwarves. I’ll be a little sad when her hair and eyes go back to how they were.

In non comic related news, my computer is broken yet again. I’m sending it back in for warranty work but if an update shows up late for the next two-ish weeks it’s because I couldn’t get to a computer. Or forgot because I’m not on my computer. When ever my computer breaks I pretty much unplug from the digital world (except for work related activities). The nice thing about my low tech time is that it pretty much means I get really far in scripting out the future chapters and sketching/penciling the upcoming pages. Then, when I get my computer back, I have a whole lot of new comic work ready to be scanned in and digitally inked and colored and what not. Anyway future apologies if I’m late with updates for the next two-ish weeks.


20 published on No Comments on 20

Fae may try but will she be successful?

There’s only 5 more pages left in the chapter and I’m really excited as I feel like chapter 10 kicks off the more action filled part of Eternity Complex. Chapter 10: Before the Storm, is definitely the chapter I’ve been impatiently waiting to get to for some time now. Not only will there be a bit of action but several of the characters are going to experience their first bit of personal growth and/or receive a bit more fleshing out. And then Chapter 11: Aquamarine happens where Aqua Marie the Aquatian makes a literal big splash (definitely impatient about getting to Marie’s chapter). And then more and more stuff happens and then poof Eternity Complex is done. It’s a little strange for me to think about.

Edit: Typo on this page has been corrected.


16 published on No Comments on 16

Nearly everyone whose magic originates from the Demis can sense the magic around them. Most magical individuals don’t care enough about the ability to train it into a useful talent, Bjorn cared enough. Demi based magic signatures have a golden hue; spirit based magic signatures have a purple hue. If Fae didn’t have one of the keys with her, her signature would be prismatic unless she was channeling the abilities of anyone in her immediate vicinity.

I’ve never really talked about the spirits because they’re not very plot relevant until the very end of Eternity Complex. The spirits are mistakenly seen as one of the Demi based races by nearly everyone and are often referred to by those who don’t know as fairies and/or pixies (and are represented as such in art). The spirits are also thought to have died out not long after the Demi’s defeat at the hands of the first Hope but the reality is that they no longer needed as active a presence in the world of mortals once most of the Demis were gone. There’s three main versions of spirits (it is more of a spectrum than set points): revenants, wraiths, and spirits. Revenants exist solely on impulse and intuition; they have little to no control over their abilities. Wraiths have varying degrees of composure and control over themselves and their abilities; however, they are prone to lapses in control depending on their age. Spirits have complete control over themselves; they are also the only group that fully comprehends what it means to be a spirit. Astor and Adrik are both wraiths but Adrik is very close to the revenant side of the spectrum and Astor is nearing the spirit side.

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