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I kind of sort of have a buffer built back up. 1 page counts as a buffer, right? Updates will be roughly once every other week for the time being. I think I can keep that pace through the first half of the semester. Unlike previous semesters all of my work this semester focuses on reading, writing, and research. In some ways it is a lot more manageable than back to back exams but in others it is a lot more work.

I really don’t want updates to slow down any further. The part of the plot I’ve most anticipated drawing is only 2 chapters away. We’re sooooo close to some really interesting stuff happening. Before all the delays, I was probably going to be able to cover the stuff I’m excited about showing you guys prior to me going off to grad school. As things stand now, I’ll probably be in grad school when we get that far in the plot. But that’s still over a year from now and a lot can happen in that time.

Slowly but surely I’m making my way through the cameos I promised:
James from Nightlight, the tall one
Ra from College Munchies, in a trench coat
She–Cat who belongs to Elysium Bliss, the far right

BjornSketchAlso check out this amazing picture of Bjorn by Gideonland who creates the equally amazing Next Reverie.


And everyone shrugs and the plot resumes.

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