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I hope that the “splash” effect is noticeable in the first panel.

Just how clueless is Fae anyway? Find out next update.

Astor_fanart_dump__by_memoriacaelestie-d9oucjw Lots of amazing things have happened since the last update! First up is this super duper, awesome portrait of Astor by Memoria Caelestie of Diexemor. Astor is featured along with characters from Fire in the belly, Blackgate, and Paradox. I’m honored that Memoria featured Astor alongside a bunch of great characters!

The additional amazing news is that I’ll be studying abroad this summer! For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m currently working towards a BS in geology and one of the requirements is completing 2 different field camps. I completed one this past summer when I went out to the middle of nowhere USA for a few weeks in May/June and I’ll be doing another one this upcoming summer. I’ve been accepted into two different camps and while I only need to attend one, I’m going to try and attend both for the experience (my only outdoor experience was this past summer, I don’t come from a family of campers). They both require international travel, so updates are going to be all sorts of weird while I’m out of town. But both camps may actually increase my chances of studying volcanoes for a living which would be over 9,000 levels of awesome! Being an astronaut is about the only thing that would be better … and with the amount of volcanic activity in the solar system astronaut is still a possibility! Astronaut was my dream job growing up and for a while there I didn’t think it was something I would ever get to do (long story) so the renewed possibility is just ridiculously amazing! XD

In other news, I’m taking part in a support grid motivator. How it works is that you take a place on someone’s grid and as they finish pages/illustrations/pretty-art they check off boxes. When the box with your name on it is reached, you give the artist a gift for making it that far. My grid can be found here, if you are interested in taking a spot on it. With all the exciting things coming my way, I could use the extra motivation to keep focused. I’ve been randomly dancing around my apartment, not getting things done a little too much recently.

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