04 published on No Comments on 04

How much does Adrik trust Enya? How much should Adrik trust Enya? One of those questions will be answered by the end of the chapter 😉 Almost a year ago I wrote a really long, ramble-y post on one part of my life that leaked into Eternity Complex, wrong first impressions. At the time, I… Continue reading 04


06 published on No Comments on 06

One really interesting thing about rocks is that they can contain a lot of water. Another interesting thing about rocks is that water can flow relatively easy through many types of sedimentary rocks. This is where Emma and Marie are getting their water from. Over time the process of pulling water out of the rocks… Continue reading 06


07 published on No Comments on 07

At least Fae was able to dodge before she tripped. Fae’s not a clumsy person, but that limestone floor is super slippery with all of the water flowing over it. If you’ve every been in a living cave (cave with water traveling through it), you’ve probably experienced just how slippery that surface is. If you’ve… Continue reading 07


09 published on 2 Comments on 09

Fae’s quick, but not quick enough. Check out this hilarious picture I received from Waffles597 who creates the webcomic Elmer the Eccentric. I love it so much! Waffles597 made this as part of the Comic Fury Easter Egg Fan Art Eggchange. There’s a bunch of other really great arts in the exchange but, in my… Continue reading 09


10 published on No Comments on 10

I wonder what they’re up to. One of my goals with this chapter has been to get better at utilizing tricky perspective shots and I’ve been re-sketching a lot of panels digitally after scanning in the pencils. The left panel of today’s page is one such re-sketch. The original pencils did not look so good… Continue reading 10


11 published on 2 Comments on 11

Things are heating up. 🙂 Things are heating up in the real world, too. I’m in the last two weeks of the semester before finals. Too, much studying to do and not enough time. Additionally, a week after finals I head out to the middle of nowhere for close to a month. I’ve never been… Continue reading 11