13 published on 2 Comments on 13

Fake-spoiler: Fae never does get psychic powers of her own. All of her powers have been revealed but that doesn’t mean she won’t eventually become skilled with what she has. She just has to discover her confidence first. — Yesterday I officially became enrolled at a university to work towards a BS in the geological… Continue reading 13


15 published on No Comments on 15

If you were wondering why everyone had been sitting uncomfortably on the wooden floor, it is because Marie has gathered all of the extra pillows in order to make Fae’s pillow seat/bed. Though, Enya and Bjorn would both rather sit on the wooden floor than the pillows anyway. Fae was the only one whose comfort… Continue reading 15


16 published on 4 Comments on 16

Marie carries around flasks of distilled water for just in case she has to use her abilities while in a humanoid form. She prefers to carry around distilled water because distilled water is the easiest water to control the flow of. Ordinarily the difference in the control-ability of water is so minute that it wouldn’t… Continue reading 16


21 published on 2 Comments on 21

I hope it’s clear that Fae is falling into the grave that she was standing over in the previous panel. Also romance! I’m not a really big fan of romance in stories because there are very few instances where romance is done well, at least in Hollywood. And don’t get me started on love triangles…… Continue reading 21