I can’t draw people waving to save my life. Also looks like Fae is getting some much deserved alone time… It only took her 15 chapters. XP
Will Fae find Eternity before she developes a Complex
I can’t draw people waving to save my life. Also looks like Fae is getting some much deserved alone time… It only took her 15 chapters. XP
I find their lack of faith disturbing… Not really, I just really wanted to say that. This page is the final page of the scene. The next page is a transition page and is a bit too detailed as a result (also it has a long-ago-promised cameo on it). I’m not sure when the next… Continue reading 21
Here’s a check in on the characters who haven’t explicitly removed themselves from the chapter. Some are having a better time than others. Also more CAMEOS! I’m sure some people have forgotten that I promised these…a whole 2 years ago. Better late then never, right? (I’m soooooooo sorry that it is taking me so long… Continue reading 22
This is a conversation that I’ve been anticipating for a while now. Also, this page has another long ago promised cameo, Carter Lake from Autumn Bay.
The name thing pops up again. 2 more pages left in the scene. At the end of the scene there will be another break. This time a much shorter one. I’m working on a surprise that I’m hoping to unveil during the break. More details will be provided at the end of May.
Marie only learned of name guarding after Adrik told her. Also, at the moment this page is inaccurate in that I didn’t explain things well the first time around. Things were said in the first chapter without it being entirely clear who said them. That’s a mistake I made that will be fixed in the… Continue reading 25
Marie thinks she’s an excellent judge of character. And Bjorn thinks the same of himself. Only time will tell who is the better judge. Arvalon from Planet Chaser makes a return appearance on today’s page. Sorry for the late update! I forgot that this past weekend was a holiday weekend and lost track of what… Continue reading 26