As the 5th Hope, there is a lot riding on Fae’s shoulders that she has no clue about. Typically, Hopes are slowly introduced to Viosia by their predecessor and are fully capable of interacting with the world when it is their time to shine; however, that isn’t Fae’s position. Fae’s memories of Viosia have been wiped away by her predecessor in a vain attempt to protect Fae but from what is unknown. Unfortunately for Fae, she is now stuck in a world that she has no knowledge of and with no clue how to return to her home. Fae’s arrival in Viosia coincides with the death of her Aunt Shelley, the 4th Hope.

Because she is lost in a strange land, Fae has almost entirely and blindly followed Enya’s lead on what must be done despite the fact that Fae does not entirely trust those with whom she travels. However, as Fae grows more comfortable with her situation, she is taking more risks and slowly exposing her impulsive nature.


21 published on No Comments on 21

I find their lack of faith disturbing… Not really, I just really wanted to say that. This page is the final page of the scene. The next page is a transition page and is a bit too detailed as a result (also it has a long-ago-promised cameo on it). I’m not sure when the next… Continue reading 21


22 published on No Comments on 22

Here’s a check in on the characters who haven’t explicitly removed themselves from the chapter. Some are having a better time than others. Also more CAMEOS! I’m sure some people have forgotten that I promised these…a whole 2 years ago. Better late then never, right? (I’m soooooooo sorry that it is taking me so long… Continue reading 22