As the 5th Hope, there is a lot riding on Fae’s shoulders that she has no clue about. Typically, Hopes are slowly introduced to Viosia by their predecessor and are fully capable of interacting with the world when it is their time to shine; however, that isn’t Fae’s position. Fae’s memories of Viosia have been wiped away by her predecessor in a vain attempt to protect Fae but from what is unknown. Unfortunately for Fae, she is now stuck in a world that she has no knowledge of and with no clue how to return to her home. Fae’s arrival in Viosia coincides with the death of her Aunt Shelley, the 4th Hope.
Because she is lost in a strange land, Fae has almost entirely and blindly followed Enya’s lead on what must be done despite the fact that Fae does not entirely trust those with whom she travels. However, as Fae grows more comfortable with her situation, she is taking more risks and slowly exposing her impulsive nature.
Getting the water to float like that takes a lot more concentration than it looks like. Marie is flinging the flask backwards because it is the only way she’s able to guarantee that it doesn’t fall on her foot and disrupt her concentration.
The pillows were only on two pages and I already grew tired enough of drawing them that they didn’t make it back for a third page.
This page was really close to being the death of me. I accidentally erased several hours of work with two quick mouse clicks and had to redo most of this page. If this page wasn’t mostly spot blacks I would have hated my life. The grass was the most annoying thing to redo.
I hope it’s clear that Fae is falling into the grave that she was standing over in the previous panel. Also romance! I’m not a really big fan of romance in stories because there are very few instances where romance is done well, at least in Hollywood. And don’t get me started on love triangles…… Continue reading 21
Fae is still falling through the graves of many memories. Only the most plot relevant stuff is being shown but none of it ends happily. This past week I was out of town in Wyoming. The landscape there was breathtaking and I wish I could have stayed longer. I saw and did a bunch of… Continue reading 28
Fae stopped falling but it’s not over yet. My friend Jess Boudrie has launched a Kickstarter for Dax a scifi humour webcomic. Please check it out. In other news, I removed the InkExchange box. Apparently while I was on vacation the exchange box was hacked and was redirecting people too all sorts of sketchy, virus… Continue reading 29
No wonder Fae couldn’t sleep earlier. Amazing awesome news everyone! If you didn’t see the button off to the side here it is again: I’m so happy to make this announcement. A year ago or so, I decided that the older pages, for lack of a better phrase, sucked. The art wasn’t even my… Continue reading 30
I really love the simplicity of this page.
Back to this place. Fae’s got a friend now. I’m about to head out of town for about a week and a half. Updates will continue on schedule but I will most likely not have internet for that time.
Fae repeatedly hallucinated Noliidae instead of Hope because Hope’s precognitive abilities coupled with Fae’s retrocognitive abilities do some interesting things when combined. Fae was subconsciously shielding herself from what would happen if she saw Hope and substituted hallucinations of Noliidae in Hope’s place. These past two pages are teasers of what happens when Fae sees… Continue reading 35