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15 published on No Comments on 15

Just how clueless is Adrik anyway? Find out next update.


SecretCaseFiles2 Check out this cute and funny mini comic I received from Jean_Q_Citizen of Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files as part of the Comic Fury Crossover Exchange In Love 2. As always, please click on the images to view them in their full-sized glory.

In a handful of days it’ll be my birthday. Normally I try to ignore the day as much as possible but this year is different. This year I’m trying to make a lot of positive life changes and I want not dreading my birthday to be one of them. Most people are usually excited for their birthdays, right? Also, I’m going to spend my birthday morning hunting for fossils and minerals in a mine for free. I can’t think of a better way to spend the day.


14 published on No Comments on 14

I hope that the “splash” effect is noticeable in the first panel.

Just how clueless is Fae anyway? Find out next update.

Astor_fanart_dump__by_memoriacaelestie-d9oucjw Lots of amazing things have happened since the last update! First up is this super duper, awesome portrait of Astor by Memoria Caelestie of Diexemor. Astor is featured along with characters from Fire in the belly, Blackgate, and Paradox. I’m honored that Memoria featured Astor alongside a bunch of great characters!

The additional amazing news is that I’ll be studying abroad this summer! For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m currently working towards a BS in geology and one of the requirements is completing 2 different field camps. I completed one this past summer when I went out to the middle of nowhere USA for a few weeks in May/June and I’ll be doing another one this upcoming summer. I’ve been accepted into two different camps and while I only need to attend one, I’m going to try and attend both for the experience (my only outdoor experience was this past summer, I don’t come from a family of campers). They both require international travel, so updates are going to be all sorts of weird while I’m out of town. But both camps may actually increase my chances of studying volcanoes for a living which would be over 9,000 levels of awesome! Being an astronaut is about the only thing that would be better … and with the amount of volcanic activity in the solar system astronaut is still a possibility! Astronaut was my dream job growing up and for a while there I didn’t think it was something I would ever get to do (long story) so the renewed possibility is just ridiculously amazing! XD

In other news, I’m taking part in a support grid motivator. How it works is that you take a place on someone’s grid and as they finish pages/illustrations/pretty-art they check off boxes. When the box with your name on it is reached, you give the artist a gift for making it that far. My grid can be found here, if you are interested in taking a spot on it. With all the exciting things coming my way, I could use the extra motivation to keep focused. I’ve been randomly dancing around my apartment, not getting things done a little too much recently.


13 published on 6 Comments on 13

I kind of sort of have a buffer built back up. 1 page counts as a buffer, right? Updates will be roughly once every other week for the time being. I think I can keep that pace through the first half of the semester. Unlike previous semesters all of my work this semester focuses on reading, writing, and research. In some ways it is a lot more manageable than back to back exams but in others it is a lot more work.

I really don’t want updates to slow down any further. The part of the plot I’ve most anticipated drawing is only 2 chapters away. We’re sooooo close to some really interesting stuff happening. Before all the delays, I was probably going to be able to cover the stuff I’m excited about showing you guys prior to me going off to grad school. As things stand now, I’ll probably be in grad school when we get that far in the plot. But that’s still over a year from now and a lot can happen in that time.

Slowly but surely I’m making my way through the cameos I promised:
James from Nightlight, the tall one
Ra from College Munchies, in a trench coat
She–Cat who belongs to Elysium Bliss, the far right

BjornSketchAlso check out this amazing picture of Bjorn by Gideonland who creates the equally amazing Next Reverie.


12 published on No Comments on 12

An elusive update has appeared! XD

Next update should be up in two weeks. I’m going to try and make every other week updates for as long as possible.

Also check out these amazing pieces I received over the break!

EnyaGerald The first lovely picture is from azureXtwilight the creator of Re:Set, as part of Comic Fury’s Big Christmas Show Exchange. It’s so pretty! I love how azureXtwilight colors!

FaeAndAdrikSketch The next wonderful picture is from MoonLotus-Hime the creator of Everlasting Garden Fields. I was very pleasantly surprised when I received this adorable drawing. It’s soooooo cute!


11 published on No Comments on 11

An elusive update has appeared! Looks like I can keep up with once every other week updates through the end of the semester. So, no update next week but there should be a new page up on December 7th and updates will hopefully be back to once a week by the 21st.

As for future updates next semester, what would you like to see? Would you like consistent updates once every other week? Or, would you like to see once a week updates for as long is sustainable then updates when ever I’m able to?

Edit: No update on the 7th. School work and food poisoning have made completing a page impossible. Updates should resume on the 21st.


10 published on No Comments on 10

It’s an update! The update schedule is still uncertain at the moment but I am working on new pages in the limited down time that I have.

FaeAndAdrikAlso, check out this adorable and funny picture I received from Rd Ashes of Doby and Smeck as part of the Comic Fury Halloween Fan Art Exchange. I love this picture so much and I hope you do too!


09 published on No Comments on 09

This page was really fun to work on. I got to experiment a ton with how to get things to look like they were underwater so that I wouldn’t rely too heavily on downloaded textures. I’ve only made a handful of textures for the comic, everything else comes courtesy of cgtextures.

Updates may potentially be sporadic until mid December. I’m drowning in school responsibilities and haven’t gotten much done on the comic as a result. I don’t want to call an official hiatus but there’s no way I can keep up with a page a week updates… I can’t even keep up with the comics I’m reading. When I have new pages to post, they’ll go up on Mondays but not every Monday will have a new page. Updates will be more regular once the Holiday season hits. I’m sorry for the future update delays.


07 published on No Comments on 07

So, so many hours went into that background… there’s even a bunch of itty bitty people in there. And then I blurred everything. Some of the aquatians are still visible thanks to being one solid color that contrasts well against dark brown but most of the people and many small details are all lost. Mostly this was just a lesson on where to draw the line on detail inclusion.

Also, going by page numbering using the old prologue this is page 449 and with the new prologue this is page 451. The happy medium with this page is 450. It’s about time for me to bust out the progress chart I made awhile ago and add more pictures to it. I’ll post the progress chart once the new pictures are added.

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