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I wasn’t lying when I said Marie’s games have no rules.

You may have noticed the fancy new button off to the side; TWC vote incentives have been resurrected! A few people have continued to vote over the past year despite the fact that I haven’t updated the vote incentive in all that time. I really appreciate those who have voted despite my complete lack of offering new incentives and have brought back the vote incentive because of your votes. From now until when the pages go live I’ll be updating TWC with pencils from the re-do pages + text. This first incentive, however, is the first three pages in their current level of done-ness (since WIPs the first two have been posted to social media). For what ever technical reasons the vote incentive is smaller than it should be and so the url to a more legible size has been included with incentive. Please let me know if there’s something wrong (I can’t re-test the incentive until tomorrow because of the vote limit).

I’ll continue to post progress shots of the re-done pages to social media (when ever there’s something to post) but the incentives will always include text while the progress shots will solely be art (no more text). Also, the incentives will update at a much faster rate as they’re pencils + text and not hours upon hours of digital art work. Please let me know if you have any questions, and/or if there’s anything else you would like see updated around here. I’ll be a bit slow to respond (2 exams Tuesday + homework) but I’d like to try and get everything up to tip-top condition for you guys because I really appreciate every single one of you! <3


Man, that scenery must be really beautiful. Last time I went that far to show something to someone was when I tried to get someone to play To the Moon.

Not really, obviously. But it would’ve almost been worth it!

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