20 published on No Comments on 20

Poor Fae, all she wants to know is what’s going on. Which is a fairly good question. Too bad everyone else is more concerned for the poor people that Fae and Bjorn happen to be standing in. — Over the weekend I updated the world pages a bit. Some pages have been edited more heavily… Continue reading 20


25 published on No Comments on 25

Aqua Marie is her name and getting to the bottom of things is her game. There are no rules in Marie’s games. A little bit more information about Aquatians: Instead of belly buttons, Aquatians have a slit that runs down their stomach. Since Aquatians view belly buttons as ugly (noses, too, but humans have highly… Continue reading 25


26 published on 2 Comments on 26

I wasn’t lying when I said Marie’s games have no rules. — You may have noticed the fancy new button off to the side; TWC vote incentives have been resurrected! A few people have continued to vote over the past year despite the fact that I haven’t updated the vote incentive in all that time.… Continue reading 26


27 published on No Comments on 27

Marie knew she was pushing her own luck but curiosity got the better of her. Last weekend I started running a lot of the characters through one of the D&D alignment quiz things (full disclosure: I’ve never played D&D but in my younger days I was addicted to personality tests and that’s how I discovered… Continue reading 27


28 published on 2 Comments on 28

Marie has never, ever lost a game of chicken and she definitely counts this as a win. Today’s TWC vote incentive of a redo page is actually brand new content (pencil sketch + text). Two completely new pages have been added to the prologue to hopefully clear things up a bit. Thursday’s update will bring… Continue reading 28


29 published on No Comments on 29

Look who has made it down just in time to witness all of the aftermath. Adrik, Enya, and to a lesser extent Bjorn are of the school of thought that magic should never be used around humans since humans just want to kill all the magics. Marie, on the other hand, sees humans as an… Continue reading 29