Bjorn was once a member of the Dwarven Royal Guard and has many connections as a result. It was these connection that got Fae in to see the Monarch so quickly. What drew Bjorn to the Guard in the first place was a strong desire to help others and, despite retirement from the Guard, his desire to help others is what got him into the mess he is currently in. Bjorn’s recognizing what Fae is and her discomfort is what led to his offering a helping hand. Bjorn jokes that he helped Fae because of the stories he would be able to tell but he has other reasons as well.
Bjorn’s last encounter with water is still fresh on his mind.
Adrik’s headache is super contagious.
Bjorn is immune to the really big headache. Here’s to hoping that Fae learned enough about using Dwarven abilities that she can gain that immunity. — I meant to add the last page of the tutorial up with Monday’s update but I was still recovering from the holidays. It is up now. Also, Eternity Complex… Continue reading 13
Well, it looks like Fae did not learn enough. But Bjorn to the rescue. Also Happy 300th page! I’m excited to have made it this far into the story.
Poor Fae, all she wants to know is what’s going on. Which is a fairly good question. Too bad everyone else is more concerned for the poor people that Fae and Bjorn happen to be standing in. — Over the weekend I updated the world pages a bit. Some pages have been edited more heavily… Continue reading 20
Where Bjorn could tell immediately, she suspects that there’s something not quite right here.
Fae is way out of her depth.
Marie has never, ever lost a game of chicken and she definitely counts this as a win. Today’s TWC vote incentive of a redo page is actually brand new content (pencil sketch + text). Two completely new pages have been added to the prologue to hopefully clear things up a bit. Thursday’s update will bring… Continue reading 28
Look who has made it down just in time to witness all of the aftermath. Adrik, Enya, and to a lesser extent Bjorn are of the school of thought that magic should never be used around humans since humans just want to kill all the magics. Marie, on the other hand, sees humans as an… Continue reading 29