Arrogant, condescending, rude. To say that Adrik is not a great person to be around would be an understatement. Instead of fully internalizing his feelings, Adrik tends to lash out at others because he has yet to realize the extent of which other’s emotions affect his emotional state. He has yet to find the off switch to his empathic and telepathic abilities and as a result is constantly assaulted by the thoughts and feelings of others. As there is rarely any room in his head for his own thoughts, he tends to operate on his base instincts more than is healthy. Many of his problems are due to his relatively young age but are magnified by the fact that he chooses to spend most of his time around those he can’t “hear” anything from, such as Enya, as it gives him a chance to be alone in his head as opposed to learning how to cope with his own abilities.
If Adrik were able to look past his own pride and admit to himself and others that he needs help, he might just be surprised by how much easier that would make things. However, he has not quite reached that point, yet.
I almost put Enya’s name on the last page, it’s in the script and everything, and only realized when lettering that it would ruin this page.
One of the results of what Fae’s been through is that she’s developing a pretty strong dislike for mind reading/altering abilities. However, with all of the traveling and minimal alone time, Fae’s not gotten a lot of chances to actually work through her situation and everything she’s been through since the story’s started. But, Fae… Continue reading 37
And that concludes chapter 11. Monday will start with the title page for chapter 12 and a slight sight design tweak…things will be getting bigger around here.
*Fae does not actually know whether the Arboreal General is alive.
Have I mentioned just how sleep deprived Fae is?
Well, at least he admits it. Maybe.
Did he really just say something nice?
Ask a stupid question get a… Well the real rule is more of ask a question that’s simple, no matter how good, and get a flippant response. — Edit: typo has been fixed.
The title of the chapter has several meanings. Firstly there’s the ghosts, people that once were. Next there’s an actual shift in the dynamic between Adrik and Fae, to more of what it once was before Fae’s memory wipe. If you can actually believe it, once upon a time they got along a lot more… Continue reading 12