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06 published on No Comments on 06

Enya wasn’t exactly telling the whole truth way back in chapter 2 but she was being a lot more truthful in chapter 7. Elva is referencing an event that Enya lied about in chapter 2. The truth will come out eventually.

The Comic Creators for Freedom met and exceeded their fundraising goal! I’m really happy to have had the chance to participate.


05 published on 2 Comments on 05

Elva has a bit of a one track mind. When the Demis were in power, Elva always got what she wanted with the maximum amount of heart breakage. She revels in breaking hearts.

There’s three days left to donate to Comic Creator’s for Freedom. All money raised will go directly to Love146 and their work in providing care to survivors of child trafficking and sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is a very real problem that affects the entire world, regardless of country borders and politics. Every child deserves a chance go grow up safe and happy; Love146 is giving children that chance.

Extra bonus for donating: I’ll update 3x a week (starting in January) for every person who emails me proof that they donated to Comic Creator’s for Freedom (any amount). So, if just two people donate then half the month of January will have new pages up 3x a week. If a lot of people donate, then I’ll have the perfect excuse to indulge my inner hermit over the holiday season. I love indulging my inner hermit 😉


04 published on No Comments on 04

Plans? Balance? What is Enya up to? Oo

There’s a little under a week left to donate to Comic Creator’s for Freedom. All money raised will go directly to Love146 and their work in providing care to survivors of child trafficking and sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is a very real problem that affects the entire world, regardless of country borders and politics. Every child deserves a chance go grow up safe and happy; Love146 is giving children that chance.

Extra bonus for donating: I’ll update 3x a week (starting in January) for every person who emails me proof that they donated to Comic Creator’s for Freedom (any amount). So, if just two people donate then half the month of January will have new pages up 3x a week. If a lot of people donate, then I’ll have the perfect excuse to indulge my inner hermit over the holiday season. I love indulging my inner hermit 😉

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