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Imagine whichever word you want for what Marie is saying in the illegible part; what ever it is, it’s not very nice.

This scene takes place at the same time as the next scene. The background for the pages in this scene are the blurred flats from future pages. While I try to keep the buffer large so that real life won’t get in the way of the update schedule (not that I’ve always been successful with that), sometimes a large buffer helps with other things too.


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Marie really needs help with robbing all of the ships.

Edit: I realized after posting this page that thievery is an unintentional recurring element in Eternity Complex. Out of all of the characters who’ve had significant screen time, the only one who hasn’t had a hand in stealing anything is Bjorn. I had a ton of stuff stolen from me growing up and that is probably why thievery pops up every so often in Eternity Complex. Though, for the record, I would never steal from anyone because I know just how badly it hurts to be on the receiving end.


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Look who has made it down just in time to witness all of the aftermath.

Adrik, Enya, and to a lesser extent Bjorn are of the school of thought that magic should never be used around humans since humans just want to kill all the magics. Marie, on the other hand, sees humans as an incompetent threat at best and has openly flaunted her magical abilities in front of human crowds on numerous occasions. Marie has learned the subtle difference between posing as a harmless Demi Lineage and might as well flood the town while you’re at it. However, where Marie can always change her face the others don’t have it as easy. Wraiths and Demis are not welcome in towns and Dwarven magics are a tightly kept secret from all humans. Suffice to say, Fae still has a lot to learn about blending in.

Today’s vote incentive is more brand new prologue content. It’s the last page of the re-done prologue.


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Marie has never, ever lost a game of chicken and she definitely counts this as a win.

Today’s TWC vote incentive of a redo page is actually brand new content (pencil sketch + text). Two completely new pages have been added to the prologue to hopefully clear things up a bit. Thursday’s update will bring the second brand new page.


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Marie knew she was pushing her own luck but curiosity got the better of her.

Last weekend I started running a lot of the characters through one of the D&D alignment quiz things (full disclosure: I’ve never played D&D but in my younger days I was addicted to personality tests and that’s how I discovered alignments) to kind of get a better feel for everyone’s motivations and reactions. After getting through the main cast I called it quits because I had two exams that I desperately needed to study for. But that did lead me to thinking about what I like and don’t like about writing the characters. Here’s my quick break down of what I like and don’t like writing in regards to the current cast:

Adrik – He’s impulsive and emotional. Adrik’s personality makes him very easy to write because he doesn’t have much in the way of an internal filter; what he’s feeling comes across in his words and actions. The down side, though, of that is that I have to be more aware of his state of mind when writing his lines because he won’t be faking it till he makes it any time soon.

Aqua Marie – She’s perceptive and showy. What’s fun to write about her is that she can easily adapt to any situation but what I have to remind myself of is that while she’s cunning she is not without scruples. What’s more difficult with writing Marie is trying to keep in mind where her boundaries are and not crossing them.

Bjorn – He’s observant and reticent. Because he’d rather observe than speak, Bjorn’s super easy to write. Unfortunately, I more or less find myself looking for places where he might chime up just so that he doesn’t get forgotten in the background.

Enya – She’s a schemer and a micro-manager. Enya is hands down the hardest character for me to write. Everything Enya does and says is meticulously purposeful and I have to keep her purpose in mind while writing her. On the other hand I do like that her set nature provides a guiding line for the plot as she’s the one constant.

Fae – She’s insecure and a touch naive. Since Fae doesn’t yet know what is going on, all she really gets to do is react. On the one hand it is easy to write a reactive character but on the other it doesn’t give Fae a whole lot of chances to show her personality, which can make her a bit unpredictable at times (especially in high stress environments).

Ever character has their easy and difficult writing points. All I can do is aim for consistency and give the characters a chance to grow towards their end self’s. For the longest time I’ve actually wanted to write about who the characters grow to become but every time I’ve started to write, I realize just how spoilery something like that would be. With in the next two years I’ll probably have to revise what I just wrote but until then, hope you enjoyed reading. 🙂


26 published on 2 Comments on 26

I wasn’t lying when I said Marie’s games have no rules.

You may have noticed the fancy new button off to the side; TWC vote incentives have been resurrected! A few people have continued to vote over the past year despite the fact that I haven’t updated the vote incentive in all that time. I really appreciate those who have voted despite my complete lack of offering new incentives and have brought back the vote incentive because of your votes. From now until when the pages go live I’ll be updating TWC with pencils from the re-do pages + text. This first incentive, however, is the first three pages in their current level of done-ness (since WIPs the first two have been posted to social media). For what ever technical reasons the vote incentive is smaller than it should be and so the url to a more legible size has been included with incentive. Please let me know if there’s something wrong (I can’t re-test the incentive until tomorrow because of the vote limit).

I’ll continue to post progress shots of the re-done pages to social media (when ever there’s something to post) but the incentives will always include text while the progress shots will solely be art (no more text). Also, the incentives will update at a much faster rate as they’re pencils + text and not hours upon hours of digital art work. Please let me know if you have any questions, and/or if there’s anything else you would like see updated around here. I’ll be a bit slow to respond (2 exams Tuesday + homework) but I’d like to try and get everything up to tip-top condition for you guys because I really appreciate every single one of you! <3


25 published on No Comments on 25

Aqua Marie is her name and getting to the bottom of things is her game. There are no rules in Marie’s games.

A little bit more information about Aquatians: Instead of belly buttons, Aquatians have a slit that runs down their stomach. Since Aquatians view belly buttons as ugly (noses, too, but humans have highly visible noses), they tend to skip out on adding belly buttons to their human form. Also Aquatians always refer to themselves by family name first (typically a color) followed by their given name. Aquatians like to craft names which turn into other color related words or phrases when said together. Blue Skye, Seafoam Greene, and Burnt Sienna are all examples of more common Aquatian names.

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