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This chapter takes place a few weeks after the end of the previous chapter and the title is a reference to the boiling and condensation point of water. I meant to put those two bits of info up with the title page but the holiday season and a series of unfortunate events got in the way (toilet repeatedly flooding the apartment and RATS!!!!).

In much more exciting news, Thursday’s update will be the big 200. There’s nothing really fancy about the page but I’m excited, especially since I only made it to about 160 pages the first time I attempted to put Eternity Complex on the web.

Looking forward on the new year, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to maintain a 2x a week update schedule since I’ll be going back to school in two weeks. I wasn’t successful at building up a large buffer prior to the start of Jan and so I’m desperately hoping that between work and school I’ll have enough spare time to maintain the buffer. I’m sorry in advance if I have to drop the update schedule down while I finish up my second-first semester of college.

Edit: Just wanted to correct myself. No rats here, just mice. Finally got a good enough look at one to know for sure. So glad it wasn’t rats. I hate rats.

2nd Edit: It was a baby rat…and there is likely more since babies don’t magically appear. I really hate rats.


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