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Hope Fae is okay.

That top panel is another one I redrew after scanning the page in. I really like how the angle came out.

There’s less than a week before I head out to the middle of nowhere to learn how to look at rocks all scientific-like and stuff. While I’m gone I’m going to have limited access to electronics and likely zero access to internet. During what ever free time I get, I’ll be sketching out the upcoming chapters. There’s a number of upcoming crowd scenes that could use populating. If you have a character that you would like to have make a cameo in the crowd scene, feel free to send them my way. When your character appears, I’ll include a link back to your website (if you have one). I will be changing your character’s clothes, though, so that they fit in and if your character isn’t human looking, they’ll be treated to a human makeover. Since I very likely won’t have internet access for the next month, please send your cameo requests to me before this upcoming Friday.


Aww…I’d love to send a character your way for a cameo, but all the comics I’ve done so far are video game comics and a guest chapter for another webcomic, so I can’t even really call my original characters “mine.”

I’ll consider this motivation to get The Window and Muses started sooner. X-D

There’s a good long while before the crowd scenes start popping up (probably around December at the earliest). If you have a character ready that you’d like to have included before then, just let me know. I’d be happy to erase random-crowd-person to include one of your characters. 🙂

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