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Bjorn can do all sorts of things with his metal rope.

Big announcement about future updates: I’m unable to maintain the current update schedule. I can maintain the current pace of twice a week through the end of the current chapter but after that I will have to slow down updates to one page a week. I really hate doing this but working on the comic and studying appear to be mutually exclusive. There were several points this semester where the buffer dipped down to two pages and I’m only going to be more busy starting next semester. Additionally, I will be taking a two week break at the end of the current chapter to give myself a chance to build back up the buffer before my semester picks up steam. Chapter 14 will begin on Monday, February 2nd. Thanks for understanding!

Because I don’t want to go radio silent during the planned hiatus, I’d like to post Eternity Complex related creations by you guys. If you send me any sort of art (drawings, writings, cookies, ect…) by around January 16th I’ll post it up on the site in place of a regular update. I can’t give you much other than my eternal gratitude and a link back to your site but your help filling the two week silence would mean the world to me. This is the first time I’ve needed to take a hiatus in the 3.5 years Eternity Complex has been online and I feel awful that a hiatus is necessary. I look forward to seeing what, if anything is submitted. I realize I’m asking for art at one of the worst times to ask in the year, and I can find something else to post during the hiatus if nothing is submitted.

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