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05 published on 3 Comments on 05

The Dwarven Monarch is not taller than the average dwarf. The Monarch stands on a pedestal that has been draped in cloth to achieve a more imposing height when ever meeting with non-dwarves.

My computer came back Tuesday. The video card was fully replaced and so I’m hoping that there will be no more future computer breakages. Keeps fingers crossed.


03 published on 2 Comments on 03

The best sorts of lies are sprinkled with the truth. They also work best when you’re not sure how much of what you’re saying is a lie and Fae’s admitted that “acting is easy” for her. Also, Bjorn wasn’t kidding when he said “dwarves don’t expect anything out of humans.”

The first page of the chapter was actually the 250th page of the comic. I completely forgot about that milestone hit until after I posted Monday’s update. I’m really excited to have made it this far into the story and can’t wait to complete the next 250+ pages. An added bonus to the 250 milestone is that this month marks Eternity Complex’s kind-of/sort-of 2 year anniversary. I say kind-of/sort-of because I was creating pages and posting them to this site before July 2011 but it wasn’t until July when I decided to start making others aware of Eternity Complex’s existence though signing up with listing sites and what not. Plus if you count the very first version of Eternity Complex to go online (under a different name) then the story has been online in various forms for over 9 years now… but a lot of things have changed in the story since I was last making quizzes on Quizilla (it was an RPG type quiz) and even since my first attempt at putting the story into web comic form. So anyway happy kind-of/sort-of 2 year anniversary to Eternity Complex.


01 published on No Comments on 01

Three things I’m working hard at improving while working on this chapter are perspective, dynamic poses, and character body types. All start out a bit rough but I feel like I’m finally starting to better understand perspective (dynamic poses and body types show up a bit later). Not that this page really shows what I’ve learned about perspective drawing. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in that first panel while trying and failing at perspective but all the mistakes helped me to understand everything that I’ve been doing wrong (pushed me to seek out a ton of tutorials). I realized the full lack of my perspective knowledge when attempting to line the tiles up with the walls. The tile floor is one large pattern I made to theoretically cut down on the time it would take to draw the floor over the first several pages of this chapter. That plan did not work out as well as it could have. Hope you enjoy the chapter!


00 published on No Comments on 00

New chapter time!

Do to an unusually light work week I was able to get all of July’s pages completed by today’s update. Since I’m counting on getting the rest of the chapter mostly completed once I gain unlimited access to my friend’s computer Friday for a little over a week (if I still haven’t received my computer back by then), I’m going to keep posting the pages up as usual for the time being. There was a tie in votes between going on hiatus and posting wip, should anything further pop up that would complicate the update schedule I’ll fall back to one of those options. Thanks for your input!

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